Developers Burnout Syndrome and How You Can Solve It


5 min read

2021 March was the month I began learning Web Development, lucky for me I joined Twitter in July of the same year and that's where I was connected to impressive community known as Tech Twitter (Ps: If you're aspiring developer don't miss a chance to be a part of this community). Just like most of us I used Freecodecamp and followed through their valuable curriculum as well as being part of the Campers Forum, when I had questions to ask or even some solutions to provide to the community. Learning phase was wonderful experience, as I came across different features when learning the basic of web development. I did some exercises here and there on things I was learning in FCC. But out of a sudden a burnout appeared out of nowhere!

I want to share with you some tips on how you can avoid a problem that's facing most of self-taught developers! Burnouts To solve a problem we must begin with understanding it's nature, therefore;

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

To me this syndrome happened because I was expecting too much on web development as a way to solve out my unemployment problems, therefore instead of giving myself time to learn, and fully understand what I was learning, I was just rushing out and move from 1 project idea to another (Yes, without even completing any of it) I believe we can all agree that we found ourselves learning Web Development for a reason, some are doing so for the sake of making career transitions, earning side income, starting a business venture and plenty other reasons related. But without a proper plans I think you will find yourself stuck somewhere and it's a gross feeling indeed!

How can You avoid burnouts?

1. Set realistic goals, when learning any programming language.

Jumping around between JavaScript and Python, PHP and Swift or GO and C++. Is definitely not gonna help you in any way. You have to focus on understanding one at a time. Evaluate the marketability of such language in your area, and not just learning it because tech twitter guru's say so. This goes along with the programming language frameworks too.

2. Set a flexible time for you to effectively learn (1-2 hours a day is enough)

Becoming a skilled web developer is something each and everyone truly desires, but learning for 10 to 12 hours a day is not a stable way to do so, kindly set a goal of learning a certain language i.e. JavaScript for 2 hours a day, everyday. At the end of the year (365 days) you will collectively have utilized 730 hours of learning that language. You will be a better developer and you won't feel tired at all.

3. Commit yourself to applying your knowledge through doing projects (One at a time)

Why do World's best athletes maintain their best's status? They do exercises. There's no way someone like Lebron James can tell his coach "Listen I'm James and I know Basketball very well, I am great at this so there's no point in doing exercises at all." Projects are exercises to developers, it will expose you to plenty of things that you know and don't know. So Projects are a must to developers!

4. Consistently submit yourself to physical exercises (30min a day is enough)

It will help you get in shape and prevent yourself from facing numerous diseases. Do I really have to explain this? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜œ

5. Evaluate what you eat!, IMHO its better to eat home cooked food than ordering take away foods

"We are what we eat" -Alice Walters.

Spending 120 minutes and more into Computers isn't healthy for our visions, hence you will need to consume nutritious foods (if possible a balanced diet) and stay hydrated (I prefer the uses of water and juice instead of soda though). Why did I prefer home-cooked meals instead of those good looking meals from Kentucky and Mc? (a) Price (b) Longevity (c) Nutrition contents

6. Get a good night sleep (preferred to at least 7 hours rest)

Don't stay overnight when coding or learning anything, there's time to do that in the next day, staying overnight is simply risking your mental health thus finding yourself in depression and even burnouts. Allow your mind to rest, your brain to evolve and you will be glad for that in the next day as you will be sharper, thinking clearly, reasonably and productive enough!.

7. If the problem persist kindly seek out professional and/or medical assistance.

Phycologists have great understanding on how to assist you in alleviating all problems caused by burnout syndrome. Seek their help if you see yourself unable to help yourself by any of the method present available. You will be okay worry not.

Personally I have followed all six steps and I see myself succeed in my life, these methods really works and for real though you don't really need to watch 3 hours tutorial videos to become a Rockstar web developer.

Submit to time, learn on your own pace. Be consistently and at the end you'll see a results you were longing to see. -Emmanuel C. Ngowi.

Thanks you have read till the end, my gift to you is heart felt appreciations ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜ I'm glad to see you today. I usually write articles related to Web Development, Career Growth and Life you can follow me here and on Twitter
